Brownsville Station

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Brownsville Station
Paese d'origineBandiera degli Stati Uniti Stati Uniti
GenereRock and roll revival
Hard rock
Boogie rock
Pop rock
Periodo di attività musicale1969 – 1979
Album pubblicati10
Sito ufficiale

I Brownsville Station furono un noto gruppo musicale rock & roll formato nel 1969 a Ann Arbor, Michigan, Stati Uniti[1].

Dopo aver ottenuto un certo successo negli anni 70, il gruppo si sciolse nel 1979, e i membri intrapresero carriere separate[1].

Ex componenti

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Album in studio

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  • 1969 - Rock and Roll Holiday/Jailhouse Rock (Polydor Records, 14017 e Hideout Records, 1957)
  • 1970 - Be-Bop Confidential/City Life (Palladium Records, H-1075 e Warner Bros. Records, 7441)
  • 1971 - Roadrunner/Do the Bosco (Warner Bros. Records, 7456)
  • 1971 - That's Fine/Tell Me All About It (Warner Bros. Records, 7501)
  • 1972 - Rock with the Music/Country Flavor (Big Tree Records, 144)
  • 1972 - The Red Back Spider/Rock with the Music (Big Tree Records, 156)
  • 1973 - Let Your Yeah Be Yeah/Mister Robert (Big Tree Records, 161)
  • 1973 - Smokin' in the Boys Room/Barefootin' (Big Tree Records, 16011)
  • 1974 - I'm the Leader of the Gang/Fast Phyllis (Big Tree Records, 15005)
  • 1974 - I'm the Leader of the Gang/Meet Me on the Fourth Floor (Big Tree Records, 15005)
  • 1974 - Kings of the Party/Ostrich (Big Tree Records, 16011)
  • 1974 - I Got It Bad for You/Mama Don't Allow No Parkin' (Big Tree Records, 16029)
  • 1977 - Lady (Put the Light on Me)/Rockers and Rollers (Private Stock Records, 45,149)
  • 1977 - The Martian Boogie/Mr. Johnson Sez (Private Stock Records, 45,167)
  • 1979 - Love Stealer/Fever (Epic Records, 50695) a nome Brownsville
  1. ^ a b Johannes Antonius van den Heavel (a cura di), Enciclopedia Rock, Hard & Heavy, Arcana Editrice, 1991, ISBN 88-85859-77-1.

Collegamenti esterni

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